Include handling rar archive on Nautilus

I observed that people are looking for install rar on nautilus.

In fact, it’s very simple, first, we open rarlab page.

We have to choose between the ‘normal’ (x32) and ’64 bits’ (x64) version.

What is your architecture ?  You can know that by typing these command.

uname -i

Here, is a 64 bits architecture and I will download the right file (x64) (32 bits version is here).

Open a CLI, and go to file. After that, you must extract and install.

$tar zxvf rarlinux-x64-3.9.2b1.tar.gz #extract

$cd rar/ #go into directorycreated

$su #switch in root mode

#make install #simply install

It finished, enjoy it.

Posted in Linux at January 31st, 2010. Comments Off on Include handling rar archive on Nautilus.


When you have in options to a nautilus for instance :

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Posted in Linux at January 10th, 2010. Comments Off on GEOMETRY.